Yup, that’s me!

I’m Tega Aberare, a twenty-something year old doctor in training who is currently exploring all things personal growth and this blog is where I write about, well, everything. From thoughts and opinions, to experiences and lessons learnt, book/movie reviews, faith and lifestyle, and whatever else comes to mind.

Here, not only will you get to really know me as a person, but you’ll also get to join me on my learning journeys. I’ll help you achieve the same level of self development I’m striving for, which, trust me, is no small feat. So, stick around if you’re up for that.

And if you want insider access (and my VIP friendship), join my inner circle

From The Blog

Just a few my recent posts to get you started

Tega Aberare

If Love Had A Soundtrack

I’ve really been in my love songs era these days. I love it! I love love. The romance, the butterflies, everything 😍🤭

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Tega Aberare

Certified Mood Lifters! My Go-To Comfort Movies

“Some people turn to comfort food; I turn to comfort movies. There’s just something so soothing about knowing exactly what’s going to happen and still loving every second of it. No surprises, no stress, just pure, predictable joy.

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Tega Aberare

I’m Nice, Until You Push It

If we don’t say “no” when our boundaries are crossed, we teach others that it’s okay to disrespect us and we slowly start to internalize that lack of respect ourselves.

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