Personal growth, without the pressure.
From little wins to big lessons, we’ll figure out life, passions, and how to grow together, with the occasional lol moments.
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From The Blog
Just a few of my recent posts to get you started

The World Wants You To Shrink, Will You Let It?
You’re not just here to exist in the background while life happens to you. You are the main event. The leading lady. The protagonist.

Plot Twist: I Don’t Like That Anymore
Change will happen no matter what. But when you’re intentional, it doesn’t just happen to you, it happens for you.

If Love Had A Soundtrack
I’ve really been in my love songs era these days. I love it! I love love. The romance, the butterflies, everything 😍🤭

Unpopular Opinion: We Need An Internet Sabbath
What if we turned off the internet one day a week? No scrolling, no notifications, just time to breathe and be present.

Certified Mood Lifters! My Go-To Comfort Movies
“Some people turn to comfort food; I turn to comfort movies. There’s just something so soothing about knowing exactly what’s going to happen and still loving every second of it. No surprises, no stress, just pure, predictable joy.

I’m Nice, Until You Push It
If we don’t say “no” when our boundaries are crossed, we teach others that it’s okay to disrespect us and we slowly start to internalize that lack of respect ourselves.

With Intention And Ease
“The year is long, so starting it strong means intention, but with gentleness and ease”.

New Year, New You?
To me, ‘New Year, New Me’ isn’t about perfection, it’s about progress. It’s about standing at the start of a new year and saying, ‘I’m willing to try again.